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Aegirine (Photo) [abbr. Aeg ]
Year of discovery: 1834 (Rundemyr, Norway, and Låven, Norway), 1913 (Japan)
Locality list: 73 localities of aegirine
- NaFeSi2O6
- (Na,Ca,Mg,Fe2+)(Fe3+,Al3+,Ca,Mg,Fe2+)Si2O6
- [Na+][Fe3+][(SiO3)2]4-
- CaMgFe/(CaMgFe+NaAlFe)=0-0.2
- Color: Dark green ,Brown, Black
- Streak: Pale green
- Luster: Vitreous
- Diaphaneity: Translucent-Opaque
- Habit: Pyramidal, Acicular, Fibours
- Aggregate: Radial
- Cleavage: Perfect on {110} (2 planes, 90 degree)
- Hardness: 6
- Density: 3.6
- System: Monoclinic
- Group: 2/m, B2/b,C2/c
- Lattice: a=9.7, b=8.8, c=5.3, β=107.4
Etymology: Aegire, a god of the sea in the Scandinavian myth
Synonym: Aegirite, Aegyrite, Acmite