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Nagano prefecture

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Geology of Nagano prefecture

Prefectural Rock: Obsidian of Wada pass

Minerals | Fossils | Hot springs

Geological units reported from Nagano prefecture

A list of stratigraphic units and igneous bodies reported in Nagano prefecture, Koshinetsu region, Honshu island, Japan

Geological settings

Sediments (Quaternary - Neogene)

Sediments (Mesozoic)

Accretionary complexes (Late Cretaceous, Jurassic - Late Triassic, Triassic - Permian, Late Permian)

Island arc volcanoes

Caldera complexes (Quaternary)

Plutonic rocks (Magnetite series)

Plutonic rocks (Ilmenite series)

Low-P metamorphic rocks (Cretaceous)

High-P metamorphic rocks (Cretaceous)

Guidebooks of geology in Nagano prefecture

Geology of Nagano III, Naganoken Chigakukai ed., Yanagisawa Shoten, 185p. (1958)

Geology of Nagano IIII, Naganoken Chgakukai ed., Shoheki Printing K.K, 183p. (1963)

Explanatory text of the geological map of Shimoina, Shimoina Chishitsushi Henshuiinkai ed., Shubun-sha, 329p. (1976)

Geological guide series-6 Nagano prefecture Geological Guide, Kazuo Furihata ed., Corona Publishing Co., Ltd., 288p. (1979) in Japanese, 3044-505461-2353

Omoshiro Chigaku series-2 Nature Watching Drive Chubu version, Yoshio Ikeda ed., Fubaisha, Inc., 285p. (1987), in Japanese, 0044-0925-7302

Nature history hiking Geology of Shinshu, Chigaku Dantai Kenkyukai Matsumoro-shibu ed., Kyodo Shuppan-sha, 265p. (1995), in Japanese, ISBN4-87663-291-X C1044

Geological guide series-6 Revised Nagano prefecture Geological Guide, Kazuo Furihata ed., Corona Publishing Co., Ltd., 282p. (2001), in Japanese, ISBN4-339-07542-6, C3344

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